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Today was much more interesting than we originally thought it was going to be. You remember that infamous blessing/curse, right? “May you live in interesting times.” Today was certainly that! But in spite of the challenges, it was a good day, because we learned how much support we have from our friends and neighbors.

First things first: we’re open on Thursday! Why do we say that right up front? Because on Wednesday morning, there was a veritable flood in the sub-basement. There was water about 40″ deep, which comes out to an estimated 15,000 gallons. Yes, that much water in our second level basement. Fortunately, we don’t store much down there, but what is down there is pretty important. Like the water heater. And the electrical systems.

Here’s a photo of the electrical system that was previously under water:

We were so very lucky, though. We had an amazing team of electricians who worked what was practically a miracle in just about six hours. Thanks to this talented duo, we’ll be more or less back online tomorrow. So, a big and hearty thanks to the team who came in and worked long and hard to get us through this emergency!

Amazing Duo

On top of all of that, Ryan (seen below) even postponed his birthday celebrations to help us!

Hero John

Hero Ryan

Another round of thanks goes out to all of the businesses on our block, who generously agreed to having their power shut down for thirty minutes while our electricians worked to return the building to the grid. It didn’t end up taking thirty minutes (instead, it was an amazing six!), but we really appreciate our supportive community.

Speaking of supportive community, many of you, our customers, also dropped by on Wednesday evening to check on us. The power was out, but we could see by candlelight!

The upshot: thank you, everyone, for helping us get through a difficult day, and for reminding us what a great, supportive community we have!

Correction to original post: 15,000 instead of 40,000 gallons of water. (It was a long day!)